woman's face covered in acne

With years of expertise treating all types of acne and face veins—plus the most advanced treatment methods available—TrueSkin Dermatology delivers results that you’ll be proud to show the world. From customized skin-care regimens to laser scar removal and other high-tech treatments, we’ll help you bring out the best in your skin.

Understanding Acne

Acne afflicts more than 90% of us, from our teenage years through adult life. Pimples, blackheads, nodules and cysts form as inflammation on our face, back and chest. Caused by hormones, the acne and folliculitis can be worse during a woman’s period, with progesterone in birth control pills or IUDs, and with testosterone in hormone imbalance treatments. Acne can also occur with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), excess hair (hypertrichosis, hirsutism), hidradenitis and abnormal menstrual periods.

What To Know When Treating Acne

The understanding and treatment options for acne and folliculitis are better than ever. At TrueSkin Dermatology, a medical doctor (MD) evaluates you and your skin, personally customizing your treatment regimen. The doctor will prescribe the best treatment to become blemish free, with clear, radiant skin.

We Can Treat Your Skin

Dark blemishes and pigmentation affect many people and can persist for months.  Lightening creams, sunblock (to block darkening sun rays), AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) cleansers, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and laser are employed, based on the individual needs of the patient.

Disfiguring acne scars (rolling, ice-pick and box-car types) can occur after cystic acne. The latest in laser treatment (both Icon non-ablative and erbium ablative lasers), scar removal and punch excision are performed to greatly improve the look of the skin and lessen the appearance of the scars.

Redness, flushed cheeks and face vessels can be treated with prescription strength creams, gels and pills to decrease the intensity of redness and flushing, and improve our appearance. 

Lasers treat our face veins. Even with creams and pills, the underlying vessels still fill with blood, making is looked aged and splotchy. The Icon vascular laser is the ideal aesthetic treatment to heat and seal up superficial face veins, and have them disappear.

Schedule Your Professional Acne Treatment Today

Ready to get started on your way to clearer, better-looking skin? Contact us today to book your appointment with a board-certified dermatologist.